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Getting Through What Is Fibonacci Sequence and Why You Need It

Math models are widely used today. You can find them in your computer science assignments, for example, when getting your C++ assignment along with the examples of these models in real-life working routines. Yet the use of these models is not today’s invention. They were widely used for centuries. The Fibonacci sequence is an obvious sample of that fact. Are you familiar with it? Let’s talk briefly and discover the logic of the Fibonacci series and where it is used in computer science today.

In our Programming Assignment Help blog, we have collected several practical examples of where to use that sequence.

The Essence of Fibonacci Sequence and Where Is It Used

The main definition used in math is the sequence of numbers where the first two are 0 and 1 and the next ones is equal to the sum of previous pair. Moreover, when you divide each number of that sequence by the previous one, you get something close to 1.618 which is also known as the so-called Number of God. That puzzling order was discovered by a Medieval mathematician Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci) yet the palm belongs to Indian mathematics who went ahead of Fibonacci for almost a half millennium.

The main evidence of our ancestors successfully implemented the Fibonacci sequence is as follows:

  • An Indian poet Acharya Pingala used its principles in his Sanskrit poetry samples.
  • Egyptian pyramids were built using the Fibonacci series for their construction calculations.
  • Legendary artist Da Vinci also was interested in what is Fibonacci series as he had noticed that order in a man’s body structure as well as in other living beings. He called it the golden ratio and implied it in his arts and inquiries.

But that’s not all, it turns out that the laws of the nature of the Earth and the Cosmos somehow inexplicably obey the strict mathematical laws of the sequence of Fibonacci numbers.

Taking an example, both a shell on Earth and a galaxy in Space are built using the Fibonacci sequence. The vast majority of flowers have 5, 8, or 13 petals. In sunflowers, on plant stems, in swirling clouds, in whirlpools, and even in Forex exchange rate charts, Fibonacci numbers work everywhere.

For example, both a shell on Earth and a galaxy in Space are built using the Fibonacci sequence. The vast majority of flowers have 5, 8, or 13 petals. In sunflowers, on plant stems, in swirling clouds, in whirlpools, and even in Forex exchange rate charts, Fibonacci numbers work everywhere.

fibonacci sequence

In brief, you can see that sequence like a row of numbers starting with 0 and 1. The following row looks like the picture below.

fibonacci numbers

By the way, do you know what assignment Leonardo of Pisa was solving when he found out the Fibonacci sequence? The task was funny enough, well. He wondered about breeding rabbits. The essence of the task: “A couple of rabbits are settled in a clearing. How many couples will live in this place in a year? For the solution, simplifications were introduced like rabbits do not die during the year, they reach puberty a month after birth, and their offspring appear only a month after conception. Thus, in this assignment, the sequence is defined as follows:

– the first month is 1 couple;
– the second month is 1+1=2 couples;
– the third month is 2 + 1 = 3 couples. Here the first couple of rabbits give birth since the second has only reached puberty in the third month;
– the fourth month is 3+2=5 couples, both the first pair and the first offspring are already giving birth here, i.e. 2 couples are born.

At the end of the year, there will be 144+233=377 couples of rabbits in the clearing.

Various Coding Languages and Fibonacci Sequence in Them

Of course, the use of that mathematical consistency didn’t pass by the IT industry. It is used as one of the math models in various coding technologies. Let’s enclose the Fibonacci sequence meaning in several coding languages.


When you use Java, there are two main methods on how to get the Fibonacci series program in Java.

The first option is using Stream. iterate for Fibonacci numbers generation. In general, it looks like that.

fibonacci sequence in java

The second method is based on recursion for getting the Fibonacci sequence. It is slow enough but it works.

fibonacci sequence in java 2


For C++ technology, the sample of the Fibonacci sequence is also available to perform via a special function.

In general, the Fibonacci series in C++ can be performed in the following way.

fibonacci series in c++

There is a difference whether the data type is int or long int: in the first case, to calculate and display the entire series of Fibonacci numbers up to and including the 46th, it takes about 40 minutes, and in the second, it is about a third less.


fibonacci series in javascript

For the Fibonacci series in JavaScript, there is an algorithm that can be listed as follows.


One more example we can list there is the Fibonacci series on Python. You can see there is quite a simple solution for defining a row of numbers that are parts of the Fibonacci sequence.

fibonacci series on python

The Help for Assignments With Fibonacci Sequence

Even though we have already listed the Fibonacci code for various technologies, it often takes time and experience to make such an algorithm. For students, it could be messy as quite oftenly that mathematical order is a part of an assignment they get. Let’s make it easier for you! On our website, you can get programming assignment help from real pros who deal with these technologies every day. Even the most complex tasks that concern Fibonacci code can be performed custom using various approaches and ideas to create a unique piece of code. Just place an order on the website and get your homework done brilliantly.
